Schaumburg Criminal Defense Attorney

Schaumburg Criminal Defense AttorneySchaumburg is a small village located 28 miles northwest of Chicago and 10 miles north of O’Hare International Airport. If you have been charged with a crime, contact Schaumburg criminal defense attorney Gus Kostopoulos for a free consultation. Gus is a former prosecutor with over 18 years experience.

Having a skilled defense attorney on your side could be the difference between time in prison and a slap on the wrist. Kostopoulos Law Group will fight to have charges against you dropped and, in the event they are not, to minimize the penalties you may face.

Our Schaumburg Criminal Defense Office

Our Schaumburg office is conveniently located at 1901 N Roselle Rd #800A, Schaumburg, IL 60195.

Experienced Schaumburg Criminal Defense Lawyers

As a former prosecutor, Gus Kostopoulos understands how the state approaches its cases. He uses this knowledge and experience to help Schaumburg area clients fight the criminal charges they face. We understand the importance of a strong, persuasive defense. We use our extensive understanding of the Illinois criminal code and past experiences to provide our clients with unparalleled legal representation.

Contact us today for a free, no-commitment consultation to learn about how we may be able to help you fight criminal charges in Schaumburg. When you call we will:

  • Review the details of your case,
  • Determine if your legal and Constitutional rights were violated, and
  • Answer any questions you may have.

If you choose to have our firm represent you we will thoroughly investigate your case, pinpoint the weakest points in the State’s case against you, and devise a custom legal strategy to fight the charges.

Representing Clients For a Variety of Criminal Charges

Shopping malls and centers are, in part, responsible for Schaumburg’s relatively high property crime rate. As a result, our skilled criminal defense attorneys represent many clients who have been charged with a theft-related crime in the greater Schaumburg area. Our attorneys also have extensive experience representing clients who have been charged with other criminal acts, as well. While not exhaustive, the following is a list of practice areas our Schaumburg criminal defense attorneys specialize in:

  • Assault. Assault is often confused with battery. The crimes are distinct but often charged together. A person commits the crime of assault if he or she places another person in reasonable apprehension of physical harm. Making a fist, pointing a weapon in another’s direction, or aggressively crowding the personal space of another person are examples of behavior that may be charged as an assault.
  • Battery. Battery occurs when you purposefully make or cause unwanted and/or harmful physical contact with another person. Punching, stabbing, and pushing are all examples of behavior that may be charged as a battery.
  • Domestic Violence. Domestic violence crimes are a special type offense which depend on the relationship between the victim and defendant. A crime may be charged as a domestic violence offense if the parties are related by blood or marriage, involved in a romantic relationship, or live in the same home.
  • DUI. Getting behind the wheel after a few drinks may result in DUI charges. Drivers whose BAC is .08 or greater may face license suspension or revocation, fines, and/or jail time.
  • Drug Crimes. With its close proximity to Chicago, Schaumburg has seen its fair share of drug-related crimes. Illinois has gone on the offensive and aggressively pursued drug crimes including possession, delivery, manufacture, distribution, and trafficking. Many times, drugs are found during illegal searches. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help to ensure encounters with the police were legitimate and lawful.
  • Retail Theft. Theft-related crimes – especially shoplifting – are problematic in Schaumburg. Illinois is more aggressive than other states in prosecuting shoplifters, so it is important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side if charged with a theft crime. Many believe that shoplifting requires property to be physically taken from a store. However, this is inaccurate. The mere intent to shoplift may be grounds for prosecution in certain cases. Holding items with the intent to steal, removing price tags in an attempt to pay less than the true price, and intentionally undercharging for an item are examples of cases of retail theft.
  • Sex Crimes. Sex crimes are serious and convictions can pose significant challenges to the enjoyment of future rights and privileges.  Sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape, prostitution, solicitation, and public indecency are all offenses that fall into the category of sex crimes.
  • Theft Crimes. Theft occurs when a person takes unauthorized control over property with the intent to deprive the owner of its use and/or enjoyment. The property can be physical, such as a car, jewelry, or other property, or intangible, such as someone’s identity.
  • Weapons Charges. Chicago is a hotbed of violent, weapon-related activity. Schaumburg, with such a close proximity to the city, is not immune to these crimes. While Illinois has relatively relaxed gun and weapon related laws, it also imposes significant consequences when these ownership rights are abused.
  • White Collar Crimes. Contrary to popular belief, white collar crimes are not victimless. Bribery, fraud, forgery, embezzlement, and identity theft are all crimes that can be considered white collar offenses. Penalties for these crimes vary, but range from a few thousand dollars in fines to up to 30 years in prison.

Schaumburg Criminal Defense Attorneys Fighting to Protect Your Rights

If you or someone you love has been arrested and/or charged with a crime in Schaumburg, Illinois, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. The state will begin to gather evidence against you immediately, so to ensure you can mount a proper defense your attorney should be given as much time as possible.

At Kostopoulos Law Group, our attorneys have experience on both sides of the law. We take this experience and use it to create legal defenses that target the weakest points of the prosecution’s case. Contact us today to learn about how we can help you fight any criminal charges with which you may have been charged. We will review your case, determine if your legal rights were violated by the police, and determine the best course of legal action to pursue. Your initial call is free, so contact us today.

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